Wednesday, June 29, 2016

8th destination- Pioneer Saloon

Here is a pretty nice Bento shop on Diamond Head street.
I think most of KCC students might know this place.
Whenever I go to there, people line up pretty long. This place is so busy and hard to save a table.
I tried over 10 different types of plates here.
Best things for me are "Ahi steak" and "Garlic Cajun shrimp". 
There are a lot of Japanese customers. I think Japanese will love this place for sure.
I love this place because there are over 50 types of unique and delicious plates.
I hope this place is our cafeteria in KCC. :) (I hate cafeteria in KCC.)
They have nice dessert places right next to this restaurant. One is shave ice and the other is Banan!
Banan is so delicious. If you like the flavor of banana, I really recommend to try it out.

Ahi steak!!!

more information:

1 comment:

  1. I love ahi, but I haven't try ahi steak. I want to try this!
